茶屋! Tea house, finally!

我们的泡茶用具。Our tea-making apparatus.

月饼和茶叶蛋。Mooncakes and tea eggs.

洋人不太喜欢吃茶叶蛋。"The eggs don't taste right.."
Christine 在试她刚刚学的东西。Christine is trying out what she has just learnt.

轮到Anita. (Kelly 在帮手)Anita's turn (That is Kelly's hand helping)

月饼师傅在做示范。Demonstration by the mooncake sifu.

轮到我们试做月饼。Our turn to try out the art of mooncake-making!
不错。。。 好看。。Not bad... looks presentable...
干杯!!(Cheers!! )
p/s: 老师,您太忙了。我拍不到您的相片。
(p/s: Teacher, you're too busy. I couldn't catch your photo.)